Be Proud!
Planting natives is a growing movement. As more people learn and understand the benefits, there are more organizations that want to know about the positive changes you have made to your property. So be proud of your gardens! The below organizations would love to help you show your pride. Many of them offer signage that help you show your friends and neighbors what your beautiful gardens are all about.

Homegrown National Park™ is a term coined by Doug Tallamy and is the key to our call-to-action:
“Our National Parks, no matter how grand in scale are too small and separated from one another to preserve species to the levels needed. Thus, the concept for Homegrown National Park, a bottom-up call-to-action to restore habitat where we live and work, and to a lesser extent where we farm and graze, extending national parks to our yards and communities.”
THE MAP is an interactive community-based visual that will show each person’s contribution to planting native by State, County and Zip Code.
There will be a gauge showing progress towards our goal of 20 million acres of native planting in the U.S.
Importantly, the map is a way for individuals to see their part in the greater whole – creating new ecological networks and restoring biodiversity.

National Wildlife Federation-Certified Wildlife Habitat
Rapid and large-scale changes to our lands and waters mean wildlife are losing the habitats they once knew. Every habitat garden is a step toward replenishing resources for wildlife such as bees, butterflies, birds, and amphibians—both locally and along migratory corridors. By adding pollinator-friendly and monarch-friendly plants when you certify, your garden also counts toward the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.
Midwest Native Plant Society

Xerces Society-Pollinator Protection Pledge
Over ten thousand people have already signed the pledge to protect pollinators. Will you join them?
The pollinator protection pledge is part of the Xerces Society’s Bring Back the Pollinators campaign, which is based on four simple principles: Grow pollinator-friendly flowers, provide nest sites, avoid pesticides, and spread the word. With these core values, pollinator conservation can be adapted to any location, whether you tend an urban community garden or a suburban yard, work in a city park or on a farm.

Xerces Society-Pollinator Habitat Sign
Support conservation and spread the word about the importance of pollinators by displaying this sign in your yard. Produced by the Xerces Society, this durable 9″ x 10″ sturdy sign is designed for outdoor use. You can hang it in your garden, on your farm, in a park, or gift it to a friend. The sign has two holes for hanging, but does not include a post or hardware. You will also receive Xerces member benefits for one-year from the date of your donation (member benefits are not transferable if you ship this item as a gift).

Pollinator Pathway
What is a Pollinator Pathway?
pesticide-free corridors of native plants that provide nutrition and habitat for pollinators
these protected corridors are created from a partnership of public and private properties
even the smallest of available green spaces like flower boxes and curb strips can be part of the pathway

North American Butterfly Association (NABA)
Can purchase with membership & garden certification
At least three different native caterpillar food plants must be grown, preferably more than one plant of each selected species. NABA encourages the use of plant species native to your area, but does not require it.
At least three different native butterfly nectar sources must be grown, preferably more than one plant of each selected species. NABA encourages the use of plant species native to your area, but does not require it.
The use of pesticides is discouraged. Pesticides can kill butterflies as well as other important pollinators.

Monarch Watch-Certified Waystation
Once you have created and certified your Monarch Waystation habitat you become eligible to display a weatherproof sign that identifies your monarch habitat as an official Monarch Waystation. This display helps convey the conservation message to those who visit your Monarch Waystation and may encourage them to create their own monarch butterfly habitat. .